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Agile Project Management® Foundation and Practitioner - short track combi

Get your full Agile Project Management certificate in only 5 days


2.645,- (excl. btw)




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A. DAY 1

  • Introduction
  • Exercise: Your agile concerns and issues
  • What is Agile? Why use AgilePM®?
  • Philosophy, Principles and Project Variables
  • Exercise: Outline the project
  • Preparing for success
  • The process
  • The people
  • Exercise: Identifying the business roles
  • The products
  • Exercise: Products Strategy
  • Key practices: Prioritisation and Timeboxing

B. DAY 2

  • Exercise: Prioritising Requirements
  • Planning and control throughout the lifecycle
  • Exercise: Delivery Planning
  • Other practices
  • Exercise: Communication planning
  • Exercise: Identifying risks

C. DAY 3, 4 & 5

  • Roles and Responsibilities - the project manager's view
  • Agile Project Management through the Lifecycle
  • The Effective Use of the Products
  • Deliver on Time - Combining MoSCoW and Timeboxing
  • People, Teams, and Interactions
  • Requirements and User Stories
  • Estimating - How and When
  • Project Planning throughout the Lifecycle
  • Quality - Never Compromise Quality
  • Risk Management
  • Tailoring the Approach

D. Agile Project Management ® Foundation & Practitioner Exam vouchers

  • Please note that you will receive 2 exam vouchers by participating in this course. One for the Foundation exam, a second one for the Practitioner Exam. With these exam vouchers you can book your online exams yourself, at the date and time that suits you best.
  • The vouchers are valid for 3 months after the starting date of the training course.
  • Exams:
    • The Foundation exam itself is a closed book, 60-question online proctored exam that takes one hour to complete. 30 correct answers are required to pass. (i.e., 50%).
    • For the Practitioner exam a 4 question paper – objective testing format of scenario and question booklet – is to be completed in two hours. 30 Marks are required to pass out of 60 available (i.e., 50 %). This exam is open book.
  • After successful completion of the exams and confirmation of the results, you will receive a unique, secure and official electronic certificate from APMG.
  • There are no prerequisites for taking the Foundation exam, and your Agile PM Foundation certificate will not expire.
  • Please note that you need to take and pass the Foundation exam, before you can start the Practitioner exam.

Het programma bestaat uit verschillende modules, die ook afzonderlijk kunnen worden gevolgd.

Agile Project Management® (Practitioner certificate + exam)
Agile Project Management® Practitioner Course (Practitioner Level Certificate + exam)
Praktische informatie

Agile Project Management® Foundation and Practitioner - short track combi

Get your full Agile Project Management certificate in only 5 days
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  • Tips & tricks, inspiratie en opleidingsinfo op maat, rechtstreeks in je mailbox
  • Maak kans op mooie prijzen

Blijf op de hoogte (van je vakgebied) én geniet van exclusieve NCOI-voordelen:

  • 10 % korting op je eerstvolgende open opleiding naar keuze
  • Tips & tricks, inspiratie en opleidingsinfo op maat, rechtstreeks in je mailbox
  • Maak kans op mooie prijzen