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ITIL®4 Foundation in IT Service Management + Exam Voucher

Type de formation


Domaine Gestion IT

NCOI Learning

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The ITIL® 4 Foundation course is a 2-day classroom workshop based on the AXELOS & PeopleCert exam specifications for ITIL® 4 Foundation certification. This course builds on the established core of ITIL®’s Guiding Principles and has a practical, flexible approach to transitioning to the new digital world with an end-to-end operating model that integrates frameworks such as Lean IT, Agile, and DevOps.


The fundamental objective of ITIL® 4 is to help participants get a firm grip on key service management concepts and the ITIL 4 service management framework, ensuring that they are prepared for the ITIL® 4 Foundation exam. Participants who pass the exam are awarded the -  international benchmark in IT Service Management - ITIL® Foundation Certificate.

This course comes with a case study, offering a rich, interactive learning experience that fosters a greater understanding of ITIL 4. It is also relevant and tailored to course participants; you’ll learn how to adapt ITIL to your work environment. Supported by additional learning tools such as pre-course reading materials, post-course reading material, and a set of quick reference cards, by the end of the course, you’ll:

  • understand the key concepts of ITIL service management
  • see how organisations can use ITIL guiding principles adopt and adapt ITIL service management
  • understand and be able to apply the four dimensions of ITIL service management
  • understand the purpose and components of the ITIL service value system, service value chain activities, and how they interconnect
  • understand the key concepts of continual improvement and be able to implement them
  • know about the various ITIL practices and how they contribute to value chain activities

With the exam voucher you can plan your online exam session on the PeopleCert platform. You chose your place, date and time to take the exam in the most comfortable circumstances. A web proctor will guide you and supervise your exam session. After succesfully passing the exam, you can download your official ITIL® 4 certificate via the PeopleCert platform.

Evaluation formation



Very qualified trainer. He gave a very clear and detailed explanation.

Bart Van Maercke, Service Desk Engineer, Synergics

A strong basis on service management and an excellent stepstone for more practical trainings.

Tom Herman, QA consultant, Kapla Consulting

I knew ITIL was a theoretical approach, which was visible in the course documentation. The teacher however tried to introduce practical examples which often helped to understand better the content.

Wim Hofmans, Eusap Competence Support Manager, Manasco

The ITIL foundation seminar gave me a clear and complete overview of all composing parts and processes that are involved in an IT environment. Good refresh of processes that were known already, and completion of some knowledge gaps.

Kris De Bauw, Sr Project Leader, Wolters Kluwer Belgium

The content is structured and summarized in an efficient way that helps to clearly differentiate between all the aspects of IT. It didn't feel as an usual training because it's very interactive and meaningful, I had no problem to stay focused all the way.

Johan Hermans, IT Support Engineer, Linklaters LLp

Pour qui

The ITIL® 4 Foundation course targets two main groups:

  • members of the IT and business communities looking to get a start in service management
  • participants with a background in previous versions of ITIL and/or other best practices in the industry interested in upgrading their expertise with ITIL 4.

Are you employed in one of the positions below? This course and the ITIL® Foundation Certificate could boost your career:

  • Support Staff
  • IT Consultants
  • Business Managers
  • Business Process Owners
  • IT Developers
  • Service Providers
  • System Integrators

 There are no prerequisites; however, knowledge of IT service delivery will enhance your course experience.

Programme d'étude

ITIL®4 Foundation in IT Service Management + Exam Voucher

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  • 10 % de réduction sur votre prochaine formation inter-entreprises au choix
  • Des trucs et astuces, de l’inspiration et des informations personnalisées sur nos formations, directement dans votre boîte mail
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