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Certified PRINCE2® 7 Practitioner Course + Exam

Deepen your PRINCE2® experience


1.719,- (hors TVA)

Type de formation



NCOI Learning

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Formation intra-entreprise ? Informations complémentaires
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You’ve conquered the PRINCE2® Foundation course and are now ready to find out how to get the most out of PRINCE2®. This course takes you the extra mile, teaching you how to define and apply all of the processes, components and techniques involved using an actual scenario. By the end of the course, you will be able to set up the right kind of project organisation and structure based on the PRINCE2® method. The training is based on the 7th edition. And naturally, you’ll be ready to ace the PRINCE2® Practitioner Exam when you’re through.


The objective of the PRINCE2® Practitioner Course + Exam is to expand your knowledge of the PRINCE2® method so that you can apply it successfully to your own business. Learn how to plan accurately by dividing projects into manageable stages. How does that pay off? Your projects will be finished on time, within budget, and without all those sleepless nights.

Key course takeaways include:

  • being able to customise PRINCE2® implementation in your projects based on the course’s practical examples
  • acquisition of an in-depth understanding of essential PRINCE2 elements based on group activities, discussions, and case studies
  • the ability to define and apply each of the processes, components, and techniques covered in an actual scenario
  • the ability to set up the right kind of project organisation and structure based on the PRINCE2® method 
  • passing the PRINCE2® Practitioner exam and acquiring the PRINCE2® Practitioner certificate - the international benchmark in project management


Why become a PRINCE2® Practitioner at NCOI Learning? What’s in it for you?

  • PRINCE2® (Projects IN Controlled Environments) is a structured, yet versatile method of efficient project management that is the standard worldwide.
  • PRINCE2® can be applied to all kinds of projects and situations.
  • Using PRINCE2® is free; you don’t have to limit yourself to specific consultants.
  • You work with our own highly quality developed and accredited material, including plenty of practical cases and templates.
  • By becoming fluent in PRINCE2®, you gain access to the expertise and experience of one of the world’s most widely recognised and understood project management methods.
  • By passing the PRINCE2® Practitioner Exam, you gain certification in project management of international calibre, boosting your qualifications and future-proofing your career.


"A very sharp and to the point of repeating the essence of Prince 2 and good preperation for the exam."

Kamran Elyaspour, Project Manager, Ekbatan Consultancy

Pour qui

This is one of NCOI’s advanced modules in project management and is intended for project, PM Office, program or team managers who have passed one or more of the following:

  • the PRINCE2® (6th or 7th edition) Foundation certificate
  • the PMP/CAPM certificate
  • the IPMA level A, B, C, D certificate

Certified by

PRINCE2® is a registered trademark of the PeopleCert group. Used under license from PeopleCert. All rights reserved.
Programme d'étude
Informations pratiques

Certified PRINCE2® 7 Practitioner Course + Exam

Deepen your PRINCE2® experience
Webinar Unlimited
Découvrir et d’apprendre sans limite, où et quand vous le voulez. Avec « Webinar Unlimited », nous vous proposons un abonnement personnel vous permettant de suivre autant de webinaires en direct ou à la demande que vous le souhaitez. Et ce pendant 365 jours, pour seulement 940 euros par an.
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Gardez le contact (avec votre domaine d’expertise) et profitez d’avantages NCOI exclusifs :

  • 10 % de réduction sur votre prochaine formation inter-entreprises au choix
  • Des trucs et astuces, de l’inspiration et des informations personnalisées sur nos formations, directement dans votre boîte mail
  • Tentez de remporter de superbes prix