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Téléchargez la brochure des formations

PMP® Exam Preparation Course

Essential tools for passing the PMP® Exam


2.950,- (hors TVA)

Type de formation



NCOI Learning

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The Project Management Professional (PMP)® Exam has been updated, and the new version was launched on 2 January 2021. No matter how advanced your project management qualifications and experience are, this 180-question, multiple-choice exam requires serious study to pass. This course addresses every topic covered in the exam so that after 6 days of intensive work, you’ll be ready to ace the exam.


The PMP® Exam Preparation Course is designed to help individuals with on-the-job project management experience pass the demanding PMP® Exam. It aims to ensure that participants can apply the generally recognised practices of project management acknowledged by the Project Management Institute (PMI) as conducive to successfully managed projects.

Your takeaways on completing the course:

  • You can understand and apply the processes and practices required to build effective, high-performing teams.
  • You can plan a project at all stages of the project management cycle (budget, schedule, scope, quality, project activities, procurement, and closure).
  • You can execute projects to deliver genuine business value.
  • You can consistently replicate successful projects at your organisation.
  • You will be sufficiently prepared to pass the PMP® Exam to obtain our PMP® certification.


Why the PMP® Exam Preparation Course? What’s in it for you?

  • The PMP® Exam Preparation Course is taught by a PMI accredited Premier ATP.
  • You will earn the 35 PMI contact hours required to take the PMP® Exam.
  • The extensive class materials provide you with all the information you need to pass.
  • You get a digital version of the most recent edition (7th) of the official PMBoK (Project Management body of Knowledge) book as your study go-to.
  • You get a full trial run of the official exam with 200 questions in an online exam simulator.
  • You will receive one year membership with PMI. 
  • The course includes unique PMI® exam application assistance.


 “I really appreciated the open discussions, the organized presentation, the real life examples and the practical tips.”

Jan Plas, Project Consultant, Bennet Engineering

Pour qui

The PMP® Exam Preparation Course is designed for individuals who have on-the-job project management experience. It addresses all professionals, whether you hold a Project Manager title or not, and regardless of any past project management training and/or project manager certifications. If you need to become PMP® certified or are interested in developing your expertise in Agile and hybrid approaches, then this course is for you. Among others, the following should consider this course:

  • project managers
  • mid-level project managers

Course participants are not required to have work experience on projects; however, the experience will help you get more out of the course and be more prepared for the PMP® Exam.

Exam prerequisites

Before you apply for the exam, you should make sure to meet one of the following sets of qualifications:
  • A four-year degree
  • 36 months leading projects
  • 35 hours of project management education/training
– OR –
  • A high school diploma
  • An associate’s degree or global equivalent
  • 60 months leading projects
  • 35 hours of project management education/training

Programme d'étude
Informations pratiques

PMP® Exam Preparation Course

Essential tools for passing the PMP® Exam
Webinar Unlimited
Découvrir et d’apprendre sans limite, où et quand vous le voulez. Avec « Webinar Unlimited », nous vous proposons un abonnement personnel vous permettant de suivre autant de webinaires en direct ou à la demande que vous le souhaitez. Et ce pendant 365 jours, pour seulement 940 euros par an.
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  • 10 % de réduction sur votre prochaine formation inter-entreprises au choix
  • Des trucs et astuces, de l’inspiration et des informations personnalisées sur nos formations, directement dans votre boîte mail
  • Tentez de remporter de superbes prix