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Certified PRINCE2® 7 Foundation Course + Exam

More than 900 participants already achieved their PRINCE2® Foundation certificate with NCOI Learning. Will you be next?  


1.739,- (hors TVA)

Type de formation

Virtual Classroom


NCOI Learning

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Formation intra-entreprise ? Informations complémentaires
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Did you know there’s a project management methodology that’s practiced in over 150 countries? With over a million certified practitioners, PRINCE2® is one of the most well-known and widely recognized forms of project management.

PRINCE2® Foundation + Exam is the ideal course for project managers interested in learning the ropes to the leading international efficient project management standard. This basic training in project management offers a hands-on approach to learning the core principles of PRINCE2®. Our training is based on the 7th edtion. By the end of the course, you’ll be able to pass the PRINCE2® Foundation exam with flying colours and go on to successfully apply what you’ve learned in your own organisation with the PRINCE2® Foundation certificate.

+900 certified participants | Satisfaction score of 9.1/10 | Certified by Peoplecert

  • Do you want to learn and begin to deploy better, more efficient essential project management skills such as project planning, time management, and communication skills?
  • Are you looking to increase the involvement of management and stakeholders during the project?
  • Are you looking for a simple yet defined process that your team has to follow even if they’ve never implemented a project management process before?
  • Do you want to start to use a methodology with clear and designated team roles?
  • Do you want to understand and successfully apply the PRINCE2® framework?

Then obtaining the ‘PRINCE2® Foundation' certificate is the logical next step on your path! And we are happy to guide you through it. Because everyone who wants to obtain the PRINCE2 Foundation certificate in order to further develop their career deserves to be well prepared!

  • We teach people who want to use PRINCE2® in their organisation what they need to succeed in their new role and pass the exam with minimal time investment on their part.
  • We want you to be able to get your official PRINCE2® Foundation certificate in a minimum of time and have the right knowledge and authority to lead a strong project management team.

We understand that taking the step towards a PRINCE2® Foundation certificate does require some effort. Just know that NCOI Learning is the right choice for you. More than 900 participants already obtained their PRINCE2® Foundation certificate through us and our average satisfaction score is 9.1/10!


The objective of the PRINCE2® Foundation Course + Exam is to introduce you to and get you comfortable with the full range of PRINCE2® methods so that you can apply them successfully to your own business. Through activities and exercises in PRINCE2®, as well as practical case studies, you’ll be able to streamline your processes and efficiently manage projects.

On completing the course, you can expect to:

  • be conversant in PRINCE2® terminology
  • understand the purpose and content of PRINCE2® principles, themes, processes, and management products
  • be able to properly apply the above in a project
  • customise PRINCE2® to diverse project requirements
  • pass the PRINCE2® Foundation exam and acquire the PRINCE2® Foundation certificate – the international benchmark in project management.

In the PRINCE2® Foundation Course + Exam you will:

  • benefit from more than 18 years of NCOI experience in organising PRINCE 2 training courses as a PeopleCert Accredited Training Organisation of over a decade
  • get your own 'Managing Successful Projects with PRINCE2® - 7th edition' handbook
  • work with our own highly quality developed and accredited material, including plenty of practical cases and templates
  • enjoy a 100 % exam pass guarantee


Why PRINCE2® training at NCOI Learning? And what’s in it for you?

  • More than 800 participants already achieved their PRINCE2® Foundation certificate via NCOI Learning
  • Companies like AE, Agentschap Zorg en Gezondheid VSB, AXA Belgium, BNP Paribas, Cargill, Ensur, Fidea, Green Valley Belgium, Intrum, Methis Consulting, SCK CEN Studiecentrum voor Kernenergie, Sioux Technologies, Test-Aankoop, VVM De Lijn regularly send employees to train PRINCE2® with us
  • An average satisfaction rate of 9,1/10
  • Certified by Peoplecert & Q-For
  • We offer 4 Foundation trainings per year, through online or classroom format (see tab Dates)
  • PRINCE2® can be applied to all kinds of projects and situations Using PRINCE2® is free; you don’t have to limit yourself to specific consultants You’ll become part of the virtuous PRINCE2® circle, becoming part of the growing network of qualified PRINCE2® practitioners and organisations
  • You work with our own developed and high quality accredited material, including plenty of practical cases and templates

Pour qui

This course offers basic training in project management and is ideal for those interested in learning how to manage their projects more efficiently with the internationally acclaimed PRINCE2® project management method. It’s great for:

  • project managers
  • project team members
  • project office staff
  • assistant project managers

Ready for the step to more success?

Click on the red "Register now" button at the bottom or top of this page
Choose your prefered dates and location and fill out the form
Immerse yourself in the wonderful world of PRINCE2® and take the next step in your career!

Good luck and hope to see you soon!

Certified by

PRINCE2® is a registered trademark of the PeopleCert group. Used under license from PeopleCert. All rights reserved.
Programme d'étude
Informations pratiques

Certified PRINCE2® 7 Foundation Course + Exam

More than 900 participants already achieved their PRINCE2® Foundation certificate with NCOI Learning. Will you be next?  
Webinar Unlimited
Découvrir et d’apprendre sans limite, où et quand vous le voulez. Avec « Webinar Unlimited », nous vous proposons un abonnement personnel vous permettant de suivre autant de webinaires en direct ou à la demande que vous le souhaitez. Et ce pendant 365 jours, pour seulement 940 euros par an.
Abonnez-vous à notre newsletter et profitez de 10% de réduction !

Gardez le contact (avec votre domaine d’expertise) et profitez d’avantages NCOI exclusifs :

  • 10 % de réduction sur votre prochaine formation inter-entreprises au choix
  • Des trucs et astuces, de l’inspiration et des informations personnalisées sur nos formations, directement dans votre boîte mail
  • Tentez de remporter de superbes prix