Obviously, we don't possess all the knowledge about your professional field. That would be insane! The most valuable information comes from people and organisations who have practical experience in your sector.
That is why we prefer an open partnership model and look for strong partners to integrate their knowledge, know-how and expertise into our training courses.
Each of our 1 000 instructors is up-to-date on current issues. You are therefore sure to receive relevant and accurate input. In order to guarantee that their training courses are of a high didactic level and are perfectly in line with the requirements of our customers, our internal learning consultants give them plenty of valuable input. Which pays off! When asked in the Q-For audit, our clients always mention these two strengths about our trainers and teachers:
Needless to say, we would like to expand our network of trainers.
Are you a teacher or a company with an approach that fits our offer?
Then be sure to submit a concrete project proposal:
Persuade us of your added value at trainer@ncoi.be.
In this teacher's guide, you can read exactly what a cooperation between teachers and us entails and how these agreements are implemented in practice.
Most professional associations recognise our programmes and often share their knowledge and expertise in our training courses and study days.
Here you will find an overview of the professional associations that recognise our programmes for permanent education. In addition, we enhance the quality of our training courses through cooperation with partners.