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About NCOI Learning

The largest training offer in Belgium

How high are you setting the bar?

We at NCOI Learning ensure lifelong learning for all professionals.
By doing so, we strengthen their position on the job market and reinforce the value of our society. Each year, we enrich the knowledge and skills of over 25,000 people. Knowledge and skills they can instantly apply in their jobs, benefiting not only them but also the companies they work for.

As a market leader, NCOI Learning occupies a unique position with the largest and broadest range of specialised training courses.

We have therefore established the largest network of specialised teachers.
Not only are the teachers good at teaching, they also have plenty of practical experience. Their courses are inspiring and motivating. Our approach is both result-orientated and pragmatic with open training courses, at various locations and in various ways (training courses, seminars, webinars, etc.), and incompany courses tailored to the size and rhythm of your company. For over thirty years, we have been helping ambitious people to progress in their jobs or in their companies.
Previously as Kluwer Opleidingen, since 2020 under NCOI Learning's banner as part of the Salta Group!


Through a network of authors, trainers and field specialists, we continuously gather information about numerous fields of expertise.
We then offer this to the market as training courses for professionals in various fields.

The largest training offer in Belgium

One size does not fit all. Training courses only help if they are suitable for your level of knowledge and for your current career stage. NCOI Learning offers training courses, at different levels and in numerous fields of knowledge. In addition to all these training courses in various fields of knowledge, 'Fiscaal Informatief' is specifically focused on accountants and professionals from the banking and insurance sector. Furthermore, 'M&D Seminars' provides highly specialised, current legal topics.


We also provide customised training courses in your company..Our learning consultants will be happy to assist you in elaborating a customised, experience-based learning intervention. We are eager to think strategically with you. By advising you on your training policy and didactic approach, we ensure they are completely aligned with your vision so they have even more impact on the strength of your people.

More than just training

Classroom courses are not always the most suitable way to teach skills and competences. We therefore dare to vary: coaching, long-term programmes, webinars, online boost sessions, interactive virtual classroom training and new learning platforms, etc. We focus on the result, not on the method.

Significant results

The key is not the training, but what you ultimately gain from itThat is why all our trainers focus on direct applicability and effectiveness.
Not only for training, but also for Incompany training, conferences, webinars and coaching sessions. Each of our training courses is unique. We never give the same training twice. Best practices, examples, current regulations, new insights ... We like to share them with you straight away. After all, that is what you need as a professional in order to make the right decisions each day. And that's exactly what our customers appreciate. An independent audit showed that more than 9 out of 10 people who followed a training course provided by us were significantly empowered afterwards. 

One goal: making you stronger

Our training courses want to help you become better. A better specialist, decision-maker, leader, manager, business owner, marketer, lawyer, etc. Even a better team.
We are convinced that strong people make strong organisations.

Aiming for quality

We are a Qfor label holder for 10 years now, we have won the prize for Best Learning & Development Company at the HR Excellence Awards 3 times and we have numerous certificates from professional associations. We are also recognised as a training provider by the Flemish government. All evidence of the high quality we offer you. Yet these awards and recognitions are not what we consider most important. The 95 % satisfaction of our customers is what moves us. The fact that more than 9 out of 10 people who followed a training course through us claim to have come out of it much stronger, is definitely significant.


Training more than 25,000 professionals in over 5,000 companies every year requires a rock solid organisation. And that' s what we have.
It is impossible to introduce everyone on this page. However, we can explain who you are most likely to encounter in the future:

  • Product managers: We have experts for each field. They define our training offer. Obviously, they don't do this out of the blue. They keep a close eye on current developments and trends. In addition, they listen to the needs of companies and collaborate with professional associations and steering groups of practical experts.
  • Learning consultants: These are your personal partners. They examine your specific needs and translate your strategy into effective learning projects. They build a specific learning programme, choose the most appropriate learning methods and suggest trainers that fit your organisation and your company values.
  • Trainers en teachers: Trainers and tutors: Over 750 experts who align and transform their experience, knowledge and insights into fascinating and in-practice-differentiating training courses.