You can easily register through our website.
Simply click on the training you are interested in and choose below which edition you wish to attend.
You will be directed to the registration form where you can register yourself and/or your colleague(s).
After registration, you will receive a confirmation and an invoice by e-mail.
Online payment is not required.
You will receive an e-mail the day before the training with practical details such as the program and directions.
Didn't you receive an e-mail confirmation after registration?
Please contact our customer service on +32 15 79 16 40.
You will receive a confirmation e-mail shortly after you have completed and forwarded the registration form.
This confirmation e-mail finalises your registration: from then on we will save you a place.
Didn't you receive an e-mail confirmation after registration?
Please contact our customer service on +32 15 79 16 40.
The price of the training and/or the membership is mentioned in the brochure and on the web page (price excluding 21 % VAT).
This price also includes any costs for catering and documentation, unless stated otherwise.
Following your registration you will receive a confirmation by e-mail with practical information such as the location and relevant terms of use. The invoice will be sent afterwards.
It must be paid before the start of the training or before the start of the use of your membership on our bank account number ING BE19 3630 4947 6912.
Make sure to mention the structured communication. This ensures a correct processing of your payment.
Didn't you receive an e-mail confirmation after registration?
Please contact our customer service on +32 15 79 16 40.
Are you using the 'kmo-portefeuille' or other training subsidies?
You will find an overview and more information here.
Please find the payment details for your invoice below, as well as the invoicing details:
NCOI Learning bank account
NCOI NV billing details
Our training courses and seminars are accredited by the Flemish and Walloon governments as well as by the Brussels Capital Region and by professional federations.
You can therefore make use of the following subsidies:
'Kmo-portefeuille Vlaanderen'
This subsidy is for training and advice for Flemish SMEs and liberal professions.
The refund is 20-30 % of the training costs.
The registration number of NCOI Learning is DV.O100092.
Read more about the 'kmo-portefeuille' here and save up to 30 % on your training budget.
These cheques are available for Flemish companies.
Their focus has been broadened in the new context of corona to enable improvement actions in the form of advice, guidance and training.
If you have used up the entire annual budget and still want to implement actions in the context of workable work, then you can still have a one-time extra budget of 5 000 euros at your disposal.
This bonus also includes training, as long as it focuses on the psychosocial well-being of employees.
'Vlaams opleidingsverlof'
Employees in the private sector are, under specific conditions, entitled to 'Vlaams opleidingsverlof' (formerly 'educatief verlof').
'Chèques-formation Wallonie'
As a result of the health crisis, training centers can now offer their accredited training courses remotely as much as possible within the context of the system 'Chèques-formation Wallonie'.
This measure is currently applicable until June 30, 2021 and provides up to 15 euros discount per training hour. NCOI Learning is globally recognized for these training cheques, but not all individual trainings are eligible. Which trainings are eligible can be found on the training page itself in the section 'Practical information'.
You can find more information about Sodexo training cheques here.
Support from the Brussels-Capital Region
The refund is 40-70 % of the training costs.
Find out more on
Liberform training subsidy
The subsidy for liberal professions.
Logos subsidies
Subsidies for Joint Committee 226 companies, employees in international trade, transport and logistics (20 euros per hour of training).
The training fund for chemistry, plastics and life sciences (employees of JC 116 and 207)
The organization for the construction industry.
IGO: the judicial training institute.
IGO provides funding for both classroom and digital judicial training.
Please note that this does not apply to on demand webinars.
The national agency for the Erasmus+ program in Flanders.
The knowledge and training center for the automotive sector and related sectors.
Subsidies for the food industry.
For each training course of an employee from Joint Committee 200, you will be refunded up to 84 euros per person/per day. Or give your employees access to our online learning platform OnlineAcademy, and receive support in purchasing these licenses up to 200 euros per year and per employee.
Find out more here.
The conditions and procedures are naturally more complex than those mentioned above. We recommend that you obtain information on the Regions' websites and apply for your subsidies well in advance.
If you have a project that is recognized by the ESF, feel free to contact us to see how your training can be included and how we can assist you in this process:
More information on the conditions and how to apply for subsidies can be found here or can be obtained from our customer service department on +32 15 79 16 30 or at
If your organization/company is registered under JC 136, JC 129, JC 221, or JC 222, PaperPackSkills will pay the invoice for participation in full or in part for you. Provided that the registration is done through PaperPackSkills. For more information, you can contact or visit their website.
Webinar Unlimited membership
This membership includes a one-year subscription for all live and on demand webinars on our website.
Please note!
If you wish to subscribe to a live webinar, the starting date of this live webinar should be within the validity period of your membership.
M&D Seminar Select membership
This membership will allow you to register for all seminars, study days, virtual classrooms and webinars offered by the M&D Seminars brand.
These trainings must start within the validity period (1 year) of the membership.
Please note!
The membership cannot be used for optional books that are not included in the training content.