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About 'Fiscaal Informatief'

Training partner for accountants, bank & insurance sector

Largest training offer ​ 

'Fiscaal Informatief' has been offering seminars and permanent training on tax, accounting and related topics for more than 20 years. We also publish a large range of high-quality tax documentation. 'Fiscaal Informatief' offers you correct and up-to-date information, translated into concrete practical advice. Allowing you to get started right away. We focus on all aspects of taxation: personal income tax, corporate income tax, VAT, estate planning, etc. By working closely with our tax experts, we can guarantee you up-to-date and high-quality training courses at all times, without losing sight of Fiscaal Informatief's unique style. Since the start of 2008, Fiscaal Informatief has been part of Kluwer Opleidingen NV, which itself has been part of the Salta Group since the start of 2020 and is now sailing under the banner of NCOI Learning. It is our mission to make lifelong learning possible for everyone.

Banking and Insurance ('Van Belleghem Opleidingen')

For thirty years now, 'Van Belleghem Opleidingen' has been offering independent bank and insurance agents tax and other training courses. These trainings are mostly based on the manual 'Praktische Belastingservice - Un Service Fiscal Pratique', which has a yearly edition of more than 7 500 copies. 'Van Belleghem Opleidingen' was founded by Lieven Van Belleghem and was incorporated by Kluwer Opleidingen NV in 2014 to be integrated into 'Fiscaal Informatief'.

Lifelong training

All our training courses are recognised by the IAB, BIBF and IBR for permanent professional training. Some tax and legal training courses are also recognised by the OVB. Banking and insurance training courses are accredited by the FSMA for credit points for banking, insurance and/or credit intermediation (mortgage credit and/or consumer credit). Some training courses are also recognised by the BIV.  

Q-For quality label

'Fiscaal Informatief' has obtained the Q-For quality label which guarantees high-quality training and consultancy.

Outstanding tax professionals

'Fiscaal Informatief' has obtained the Q-For quality label which guarantees high-quality training and consultancy. Outstanding tax professionals
A team of experienced tax professionals monitors, selects and analyses the latest tax news for you.  


All training courses within the 'Fiscaal Informatief' offer are eligible for payment through the 'kmo-portefeuille' portfolio. This allows you to receive a 20 to 30 % subsidy for your legally required training courses for permanent training!