The price of the training and/or the membership is mentioned in the brochure and on the web page (price excluding 21 % VAT).
This price also includes any costs for catering and documentation, unless stated otherwise.
Following your registration you will receive a confirmation by e-mail with practical information such as the location and relevant terms of use.
The invoice will be sent afterwards. It must be paid before the start of the training or before the start of the use of a membership on our
bank account number ING BE19 3630 4947 6912.
Make sure to mention the structured communication. This ensures a correct processing of your payment.
You received a confirmation e-mail but no invoice?
Please contact our
customer service on
+32 15 79 16 30.
Are you using the 'kmo-portefeuille' or other training subsidies?
You will find an overview and more information
Due to regulations, on demand webinars cannot be purchased using the 'kmo-portefeuille'.
Please find the payment details for your invoice below, as well as the invoicing details:
NCOI Learning bank account
- IBAN: ING BE19 3630 4947 6912
NCOI NV billing details
- Address: NCOI Learning , Ragheno Business Park, Motstraat 30, 2800 Mechelen
- VAT: BE 0456.675.010